From: tania willis
Date: 29-Jan-2007 14:38
Subject: Re:
To: Rosemary Ufot Laurence
Oh how cool! If life is not a not a bitch as we have been led to believe over the past few days, then Clare must know about this up there...
Don't worry about a copy, I just wonder how you can isolate the appropriate section & upload to the blog or link it to the blog
Did you get the photos I scanned from Peter?
How is Clare's mum coping- has Julie contacted you in the past 2 days?
On 29/01/07, Rosemary Ufot Laurence wrote:
Date 29-Jan-2007 10:19
From: Tania Willis
Date: 29-Jan-2007 03:12
Subject: Re:
To: rosee >
Damn- how can we download it
I agree with Kitty. Stevie Nicks would be a great choice
Julie Off!cer
To stu_and_anne, ridlydidly
Date 29-Jan-2007 00:05
Subject Re: dave powell
Hi Anne
You know you can call me any time. I listened to Stand back".
"I'm not really that familiar with Stevie, I just know Clare loved her music.
I am definitely going to have Catch the Rainbow by Rainbow as it was a song she loved and introduced me to and it is beautiful. Do you know it?
I just listened to Sara and you're right! It is definately going on. I remember her playing it on several occasions. Please-if you think of anything else let me know. I'm finding it hard to get the 'appropriate' ones. I'm going to push it a bit with sweet child of mine (the rock bit at toward the end) but it is so Clare.
Thank you very much. We'll be starting with Clair by Gillbert O'sullivan. I didn't know the song but Clare used to dance to it with her mum. That has had me in pieces today. The funeral is going to be so difficult.
Thanks again. I love this song! More please.
From: Stuart Hellier
To: Julie Off!cer
CC: Rosemary Ufot Laurence
Subject: Re: dave powell
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 14:34:13 -0800 (PST)
Firstly, you have my deepest sympathy for your devastating loss and my respect as you were Clare's best friend and all that you have done for her and her Hong Kong friends, keeping us all in the loop.
For me I would go for Sarah by Stevie Nicks because it is such a beautiful track, and I think more appropriate. I don't want to step on anyone's toes here play it and see what you think. If you don't have it I'll get my hubby to send it to you 'cause I don't know how to do that via this (computer). It was definitely the first one we would always put on when we were having a Stevie Nick's night. I think it would be so right at Clares funeral. Stand Back is a great track but I don't think it is appropriate.
Take good care
Anne X
Julie Off!cer wrote:
Anne, I need you.
I was going to ask which Craig David to put on.
From: "Rosemary Ufot Laurence"
To: "Julie Off!cer" , "Stuart and Anne Helier"
Subject: Re: dave powell
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 19:10:17 +0000
Hi Julie
Listening to Dave Pearce now and thinking of Clare"
"In terms of music Anne mentioned something about Stevie Nicks and I know that Walking Away or Seven Days from Craig David's album are great tunes which remind us of Clare. I have Craig David.
Anne do you have Stevie Nicks?